Johan Gillis van Vliet
Leiden? about1610 - Leiden 1668
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Engraving by Johannes Gillisz van Vliet (1632)(CBG217)
Also called: Johan van Vliet den Ouden.
Johannes Gillisz van Vliet was the most prominent member of his family. He made engravings for Rembrandt who, with this 'publicity', could reach a larger public.
The cooperation with Rembrandt ended before 1640.
But Van Vliet was also a painter. One of his paintings is at the Hermitage Museum of de St-Petersburg.(CBG217)
with the entire van Vliet family, in particular his nephew Gillis van Vliet (CBG217)
with the entire Steen-family by the intermediary of Aaltje Jans Steen(CBG217)
with Jacob van Campen by the intermediairy of Suzanna Dircx van Campen(CBG217)
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