Uylenburgh, Hendrik
about 1587 - 1661
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Rembrandt's workshop, probably at Hendrik Uylenburg's (Remb)
Saskia van Uylenburg, distant cousin of Hendrik, painted by Rembrandt (1634) (Remb)
The husband of his distant cousin Saskia: Rembrandt van Rijn
His father: Rombout Uylenburg
The husband of his distamt cousin Hendrikien: Wijbrand Simonsz van Geest
see also link 3.
painter, art-dealer, owner of Rembrandt's workshop. (source)
between 1631 and 1634 Rembrandt worked for the art-dealer, Hendrik Uylenburg.
Hendrik was a commercial man, who was a painter, sold works of other artist, took care of a workshop in which several artists worked together. He organised lessons in sketching and painting.
After Rembrandt had gone broke in 1657-58, his son Titus, opened (following the well-proven procedure of Hendrik Uylenburg) a workshop/art-shop for which Rembrandt started working in 1660.
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