Gestman Geradts, Jacob
den Haag 1951 -
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The hovercraft (1992)

Drawing for 'Les Quarante Carats' (1995)
Double portrait of Eddie and Marianne (1996)
Evert Geradts
Edith Janzen
artist, civil-engineer, professor, draughtsman, journalist
Jacob's artistic life
Jacob is an artistic self-taught man. He received neither musical nor artistic education. He makes his works of art likes he makes his computer programs, that is, in a logical way.
Very often he uses photos, which he shoots himself of his models.
Women are his source of inspiration and the masters whom he values most are the grand painters of women: Alphonse Mucha, well-known for his posters of Sarah Bernhard at the end of the XIXth century, but especially the contemporary artists and draughtsmen like Alberto
Vargas, whos drawings have become immortal by their publication in magazines
like Playboy et Esquire during the years 30 - 60. The french sculptor Aslan did the same in the Lui magazine and is also admired by Jacob.
Modern japanese artists handle their skills even better than Vargas et Aslan, thanks to their airbrush techniques, but Jacob finds that the results don't reach the same level as that of the american and french artists. The japanese artists work impeccably and in an unknown photorealism, but not in the tradition of the artist being a humble intermediary between the model and the public.
And that's what Jacob intends: Translate a woman's smile by a pencil, store a unique women-like gesture on a sheet of paper to find out why a women is so interesting to a man.
Artistic link from Rembrandt to Jacob
Additional information on Jacob
Jacob's complete works
How does Jacob work?
Jacob's ad-page
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