Frederick Barnards
Utrecht 1658 - den Haag ? before 1699

signature of Frederick Barnards (15 oct 1688)
Probably, Frederick Barnards was a painter-decorator. He was mentioned as a painter for the first time in 1681, as a witness for Gerrit de Jager.
He was a member of the Guild since 1686.
his son: Louis Hendrik Barnards
his father-in-law: Gerrit de Hoogh
his brother-in-law: Eliseus de Hoogh
his brother: Melchior Barnards
Master-painter (certificat of his widow of 5 jan 1699)
Marriage of Frederick Barnardt and Josyna Maria de Hoogh (born in The Hague) 21-4-1686 (certificat 127v).
In 1704 'Fred. Bernhards's widow is mentioned.
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