Series No 1
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On this page, you can follow how Jacob makes a work in colour-pencil on a sheet of plastic transparent 'paper' (satinised polypropylene).
The polypropylene enables to gum the sketches, like the colored circle.
(Click on the numbers or the images to explode them)
1 He nearly always starts with the face, after having put on paper the outlines of the rest of the body, as well as the other objects surrounding the girl.
1a Here's a detail of the face.
2 Here, he starts to make the hair and an ear-button.
3 And then a start of the clothes.
4 A bit lower, this goes well!
5 The time has come to finish the hair.
6 Now a leg.
7 And another leg!
8 The clothes are annoying, you'd better do something else and start the circle.
9 The circle progresses well, there's no news on the lady.
10 The circle gets more colourful.
11 He now added the black lines between the coloured parts of the circle.
12 The circle is complete!
13 The sketch of the circle is removed.
14 The second leg is finished, just an arm with a hand are still missing.
15 The work is finished!