Vincent van Gogh
Groot Zundert 1853 - Auvers-sur-Oise 1890
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Autoportrait (1886) (VIT)

Potato eaters

Prison Court (1890) (AZ)
Preliminary page, still under construction
His distant uncle and professor Anton Mauve
His distant uncle Vincent van Gogh
His uncle Hendrik Vincent van Gogh
A descendant of his de son ancester Vincent van Gogh, Hendrik van de Sande Bakhuysen
His mother's uncle, Hermanus Carbentus
The descendants of his ancestor David van Gogh, the Mondrian family
By go-between of Cornelia Rotteveel, the spouse of his grandfather (mother's side) and his grandmother (mothers side), the Van Vugt/Avink family
Vincent van Gogh's opinion on photography (in dutch).
List of artists
Family tree
Universal Page